Ding Dong, the Devil's Gone...
Now, I don't condone what he did, but I also don't give him full credit. The realignment of the Republican party on almost solely religious and cultural grounds began its success with the Richard Nixon election campaign in 1968. It was how he beat the Solid South out of being Democratic since the Civil War. Mr Rove, though, was a part of maintaining a Republican majority across the board for over a decade. Of course that changed in the past few years when people started thinking with their pocketbooks again (I don't think the Democrats won, I think the Republicans lost their other, and far more principal, small-business, small-government, small-taxes base.)
Still, of all that's happened, only one image springs to mind: rats fleeing a sinking ship. So many of the primary staffers, and even more of the behind-the-scenes I'm sure, are quitting, resigning, or being asked to leave. If I was in their shoes, now would be a great time to desert a lame duck, hoping that the awful that is guaranteed to happen in the rest of the decade will erase from our collective short-term memory their actions. Lord knows being prosecuted for one's actions would be a terribly unfair act.
What amazes me, and I have to remember, that back in 2000, had I had the opportunity to vote, I would have voted for President Bush. After all, the man backing him, and the rest of his associates, were old veterans of classic world diplomacy since Nixon (who I still argue was our last qualified President).
(Found via Andrew Sullivan and attached is a great article by Scott Horton).
This is who I would have elected. It is most definitely not who is currently holding office.
This is who I would have elected. It is most definitely not who is currently holding office.
So I bid, well, not farewell, but... um... I don't know. Not goodbye. Not farewell. Not even a cheeky ta. Ah, I know, a curt bye. I bid a curt bye to a man who manipulated the poor and the ignorant, who destroyed how many view good Christians, and a man who I will not forget. I will not let history vindicate this man. Bye.
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