28 August 2007

A Ray of Sunshine...

So I listen to the NPR Podcast It's All Politics with Ken Rudin and Ron Elving. I think they're smart, clever and analytical, and their back and forth is full of beans. Of course, it's geeky, Washington political jibber-jabber. But tying in lots of things historically, this century especially, lends some perspective.

Listening to last week's podcast (8/23/07), they were commenting on the President's war speech talking about what we've done in the past and what we're doing now. Mr Bush made the controversial move of bringing up Vietnam in this speech. They commented on how relations between the United States and Vietnam have changed since the mid-70s, and the quote of the day is when the President visits Vietnam, he uses the slogan

I think we should let Saigons be Saigons.

Oh d'Joy...

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